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Pre and Post Care

The retention and outcome of your SMP treatment relies heavily on how closely you follow pre and post care instructions. Please see the recommendations listed below and reach out with any questions! 

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Pre Care

Exfoliate Scalp 24 Hours Prior To Appointment. 

Shave hair down to desired length. 

Avoid antibiotics beginning 4 weeks prior to appointment.

Avoid alcohol beginning 48 hours prior to appointment. 

Avoid blood thinning medications beginning 4 weeks prior to appointment.

Avoid caffeine beginning 12 hours prior to appointment.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate.

Wash your head the morning of your appointment. 

Avoid all hair and scalp products, including hair spray, serums, oils, wax etc. 

Post Care

Avoid getting scalp wet, including pool, steam room, saunas for 5 days post treatment.

Avoid sweating, yoga, gym etc for 5 days.

Regular shampoo routine may be resumed on day 5, though avoid scrubbing while shampooing scalp for 5-10 days.

Avoid shaving scalp for 5-10 days.

Avoid direct sun exposure and always wear spf 30+

Avoid scratching or picking any scabs that may form.

Lightly apply the provided foam cleanser while healing and dab the area with a cloth to keep it clean. Do not soak the scalp.

Avoid sunless tans and tanning booths until fully healed.

Avoid using harsh soaps, creams, fragrances and lotions.

For first session appointments, Schedule your touch up within 2-3 weeks.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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